Discover Quality Time and Adventure
Adventure Guides
The program emphasizes the YMCA's belief that parental involvement plays a vital, positive role in a child's development. Adventure Guides encourages parents to get to know your kid while your kid is still a kid with group activities such as games, crafts, songs, stories, skits, ceremonies, and outdoor pursuits.
Branches offering Adventure Guides:
- Ann & Steve Hincliffe Pedro & Peninsula YMCA
- Crowell Family YMCA (Formerly South Pasadena San Marino YMCA
- East Valley Family YMCA
- North Valley Family YMCA
- Santa Clarita Valley Family YMCA
- Torrance-South Bay YMCA
- Westchester Family YMCA
Contact Us
We're happy to answer any questions or help you sign up for Adventure Guides.
Contact your local Y during regular business hours or email Jennifer Sullivan at to learn more.