The President’s Club, established in 1972, honors those men and women who have shown a long-term commitment to the Y. It is the commitment that qualifies individuals as President’s Club members.
Please join the President’s Club to ensure that the Y is here tomorrow as a source of hope, vitality and strength for children and families in our community.
By making either a direct contribution to the Y’s endowment fund or by including the Y in your estate planning, you become part of the President’s Club and a strong tradition of paying it forward. You’ll be joining the circle of caring people who have given us the Y of today which brings together people throughout our community, more than half of them under the age of 25, in support of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
BEQUESTS: Gifts to the Y through wills or living trusts may include specific property, a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate or trust property.
- Sample Bequest Language
I give to YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles, the sum of $____________________ /or _______ percent of the remainder of my estate (or trust) to be used for its general uses and purposes (or for the benefit of a specific branch, a program or purpose).
LIFE INSURANCE/ RETIREMENT PLANS: Making a gift of a life insurance policy, or designating the Y as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan, may allow a sizeable gift to the Y with a minimal cost and the potential for tax saving.
GIFT ANNUITY: A charitable gift annuity allows for a significant gift to the Y while providing fixed payments to the donor and/or loved ones.
The Y enhances our ability to achieve our dreams and face new challenges with courage and confidence throughout our lives. The power of this exceptional Y lies in people like you, each making a unique contribution to build a community that is stronger than the sum — here to ensure the next generation thrives.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss how a giving plan might work for you. All inquiries are confidential and without obligation. Please contact:
Lisa Van Ingen Pope
Senior Vice President of Branch Financial Development
(P) 310 713 3119